Methodology and theory of legal psychology
- Psychological and legal approach to the process of socialization of juvenile offenders’ personality (author’s research).. (M. V. Shaykova) 6
- Daily and affective Internet addiction: an attitude to the existential development of the personality. (D. V. Sochivko, T. A. Simakova) 13
- The psychological context of the jurors’ assessment of the defendant’s possible illegal acts. (V. F. Engalychev, D. R. Beloded, I. F. Minenko) 19
Applied and experimental researches
- Assessment of the level of predictive competence, neuroticism and hopelessness among men serving sentences in prison . (N. A. Tsvetkova) 24
- Individual psychological resources of juveniles’ personality in the prevention of their involvement in commission of antisocial actions. (A. S. Dushkin, N. A. Goncharova) 33
- Model of development of intellectual and personal potential of employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service. (I. A. Koval’chuk, S. P. Khvezhenko) 41
- The relationship between self-attitude and coping strategies among drug addicts. (A. O. Burtsev, M. S. Kozyr’, D. A. Skvortsova) 46
- Psychodynamic typology of convicted men’s attitude to cancer. (O. I. Sochivko) 58
- The peculiarities of the attitude to the crime of juvenile suspects, accused juveniles, convicted of violent crimest. (A. V. Vetra) 66
- Structural features of personal properties among employees of internal affairs bodies with different levels of success in adapting to professional activities. (E. A. Popinako) 73
- Approbation of psychological training for the development of professional autonomy of the lawyer’s personality. (E. V. Kachanovskaya) 87
- Some problems of psychological support for drug-addicted juveniles sentenced on probation. (A. Yu. Kryazheva) 94
Psychology of social phenomena and life quality
- Values of modern youth: family-historical and patriotic aspects. (E. N. Bogdanov, I. P. Krasnoshchechenko, M. S. Sittseva) 101
- Stylistic features of interpersonal interaction among employees of internal affairs bodies – carriers of destructive traits. (A. M. Ivanova, O. N. Komarova, A. M. Andreev) 112
- Psychological features of the children’s storytelling when performing the «Drawing of a nonexistent animal» technique as an indicator of psychogenic induction. (T. A. Admakina) 124
Assistance to administrators
- Some psychological aspects of readiness of security units’ employees of the penal system to use weapons to kill. (I. V. Suchkova) 133
Review of the monograph
- A new field of psychological science and practice. (M. I. Kuznetsov) 141
- In memory of Professor Vladimir Mikhailovich Litvishkov 144
Dura lex sed lex
- Psychological, legal and social aspects of interaction of the mass media with institutions and bodies executing criminal penalties in the form of deprivation of liberty. (P. V. Ivliev, N. I. Tkachenko) 146